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Vitamin D

Hidradenitis Suppurativa vs. Acne: How to Differentiate and Treat Chronic Inflammation

What is Hidradenitis? Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the apocrine glands, located in specific areas of the body. These glands secrete a specialized fluid and are found only in certain regions, such as the armpits, groin, around the anus, genitals, buttocks, and under the breasts. Due to skin folds in these areas, the apocrine glands experience a lack of oxygen, leading to secretion blockage and promoting the growth of pathogenic anaerobic ...
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Endometriosis: The Hidden Threat to Women’s Health, Part 2

In the first part of the article, we discussed the causes and diagnosis of endometriosis. Now, we will explore the possible treatment options for this condition. What Can Affect the Progression of Endometriosis Symptoms As you might guess, anything that leads to hormonal imbalance in the body can have an impact. In our world, there are quite a few such issues. Endocrine Disruptors: Exposure to certain chemicals such as dioxins, bisphenol A (BPA), and phthalates, which can act as e...
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Living With MCAS: Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Modern Therapies

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a chronic condition in which mast cells in the body become excessively activated. This leads to the release of numerous chemical substances that can cause diverse symptoms affecting various systems of the body. What are Mast Cells? Understanding the role of mast cells in the body helps explain the variety of MCAS symptoms and the need for a comprehensive approach to treating this condition. Mast cells, or mastocytes, are specialized white blo...
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Pathogenic Biofilms: Unlocking Powerful Strategies for The Most Effective Treatment. Part 2

In the first part, we discussed therapies that can assist in treating pathogenic biofilms, most of which should be conducted in a specially equipped office and administered by a competent specialist. In the second part, we will consider therapies that can be performed at home, although they often involve prescription medications. Where Else Are Biofilms Found? Those familiar with the primary stages of treating mold toxicity may notice familiar steps in treating pathogenic biofilms. Ho...
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Chronic Urinary Tract Infection: Is Complete Elimination Possible?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common conditions affecting women and men, with acute and chronic forms characterized by various causes and risk factors. Acute cystitis and urethritis are typical examples of quickly treatable infections requiring timely antibiotic intervention. In contrast, chronic infections like chronic cystitis and prostatitis can cause significant discomfort for patients and necessitate prolonged treatment. Biofilms often play a role in the development of such chron...
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Depression And Digestion: The Mysteries Of The Emotional-Gut Connection

What is depression? Depression is a serious mental disorder characterized by a prolonged period of low mood, loss of interest in favorite activities, changes in energy balance, and a decreased sense of satisfaction with life. It affects overall physical and emotional well-being, the ability to function in daily life, and the quality of interpersonal relationships. Depression can have different degrees of severity, and without timely treatment, it can become chronic and negatively impa...
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Thyroid Dysfunction and Diagnostic Challenges

There are cases where patients experiencing symptoms potentially related to thyroid dysfunction undergo standard testing for TSH hormone levels, and the results fall within the normal range. This often concludes the examination. It is possible that, for this reason, many individuals in the Canadian province of BC remain undiagnosed for many years. They exhibit symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, yet specialists assure them that everything is fine, relying on the fact that thyroid-stimulatin...
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Medicinal and Anabolic Steroids: What You Need to Know

Rapid changes in the fields of physical activity, sports, and medicine over the past decades have led to an increased interest in medicinal and anabolic steroids. Chemical compounds originally developed for medical purposes have become in demand to increase muscle mass. However, behind this popularity, there are numerous questions: How do steroids affect the body? What are the medical indications and contraindications for their use? What are the risks associated with their usage? In t...
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Sunscreens and Other Methods: How to Choose and Use the Right One to Protect Your Skin

Everyone knows how important it is to protect your skin from the sun, and this becomes even more crucial if you work outdoors all day. Continuous exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can have detrimental effects on our skin. These include sunburn, premature skin aging such as the appearance of pigmented spots, and even an increased risk of skin cancer. One of the key means of protection against the harmful effects of the sun is the use of sunscreen. However, with the wide variety of product...
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Common reasons for infertility and how to solve them (part 2)

How to resolve infertility naturally? It is a natural occurrence that when you are not in optimal health, it becomes challenging to conceive a child. This cannot even be considered infertility; it is your body's way of indicating that it may not be the best time for procreation. Here, I will list some solutions that can help address this issue without resorting to expensive procedures of artificial fertilization. Nutrients needed for conception and pregnancy Many nutrients are...
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