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Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

Scurvy and the Miracle of Vitamin C: How Lemons Defeated Scurvy

Scurvy is a disease known since the days of long sea voyages when sailors suffered from the lack of fresh food. The disease manifested itself in fatigue, anemia, bleeding gums, bruising, and swollen joints. The link between the disease and a deficiency of something found in "acidic fruits" was established by Scottish doctor James Lind in 1747. His research showed that including citrus fruits in the diet effectively prevented and treated this condition, saving the lives of many sailors. W...
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Endometriosis: The Hidden Threat to Women’s Health, Part 2

In the first part of the article, we discussed the causes and diagnosis of endometriosis. Now, we will explore the possible treatment options for this condition. What Can Affect the Progression of Endometriosis Symptoms As you might guess, anything that leads to hormonal imbalance in the body can have an impact. In our world, there are quite a few such issues. Endocrine Disruptors: Exposure to certain chemicals such as dioxins, bisphenol A (BPA), and phthalates, which can act as e...
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EDS, MCAS, And POTS: Unveiling The Hidden Connections

In medical education, emphasis is placed on the ability to think about the most likely causes of illnesses, referred to as "horses," rather than rare cases, or "zebras." This helps to diagnose common problems more quickly, but often leads to the overlooking of rare conditions. Therefore, the symbol of rare diseases, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, is a zebra — to remind doctors of the importance of considering unusual cases. Now, let's talk about this and other "zebras." MCAS, EDS, and P...
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Living With MCAS: Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Modern Therapies

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a chronic condition in which mast cells in the body become excessively activated. This leads to the release of numerous chemical substances that can cause diverse symptoms affecting various systems of the body. What are Mast Cells? Understanding the role of mast cells in the body helps explain the variety of MCAS symptoms and the need for a comprehensive approach to treating this condition. Mast cells, or mastocytes, are specialized white blo...
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Discover the phenomenon of joint hypermobility and its associated risks

Hypermobility is a condition where joints have greater flexibility than usual. People with hypermobility can bend and extend their joints beyond normal ranges of motion. So far, this doesn’t sound too bad, right? Moreover, we usually envy people with hypermobility; after all, they can easily do splits, whereas an average person might need weeks, if not months, of training. Indeed, this condition can be harmless and even advantageous in certain sports and activities, such as gymnastics and d...
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