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Healthy Living

Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Health Consequences and How to Prevent Them

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a crucial water-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in maintaining nervous system health, red blood cell formation, and DNA synthesis. It is essential for normal brain and nerve function, as well as for energy production in the body. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products such as meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. Adequate intake is vital for normal bodily function, as a deficiency can lead to serious health issues. Can Our Body Produce Vit...
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Creating a Safe Home Environment for Better Health

In the first part, we discussed the issue of pathogenic biofilms forming on moisture-exposed surfaces in the home: Biofilms in the Home and Their Impact on Human Health. Now we will explore what can be done to reduce this impact on our health, as regular cleaning is only a part of the necessary measures. In modern homes and apartments, despite visible cleanliness, various microbes, fungi, and bacteria can accumulate, many of which pose serious health risks. Sources of microbial contamina...
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Biofilms in the Home and Their Impact on Human Health

We have talked a lot about mold and the importance of preventing its spread in the home. Mold is indeed one of the most serious threats to our health, but the issues do not end there. Recent research indicates that the problem extends beyond just mold to a broader issue—homes exposed to water damage. You might say, "But isn’t that how mold problems arise?" And that’s true. However, aside from mold, there are other threats that often go unnoticed. Moreover, if you think the problems are l...
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Medicinal and Anabolic Steroids: What You Need to Know

Rapid changes in the fields of physical activity, sports, and medicine over the past decades have led to an increased interest in medicinal and anabolic steroids. Chemical compounds originally developed for medical purposes have become in demand to increase muscle mass. However, behind this popularity, there are numerous questions: How do steroids affect the body? What are the medical indications and contraindications for their use? What are the risks associated with their usage? In t...
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Proven Strategies To Prevent and Treat Heart Disease

Ischemic heart disease, also known as coronary heart disease, is characterized by the accumulation of plaque in the heart's arteries, which can lead to a heart attack, heart failure, or even death. It is the second leading cause of death in Canada. Understanding facts about cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and taking measures to reduce the risk, including adopting a healthy lifestyle and early diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions, are important steps in preventing this problem. ...
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Menopause Symptoms and the Best Solutions to Relieve Them

Menopause is a natural physiological process in a woman's life, characterized by the definitive cessation of menstrual cycles and reproductive function. This is a period when the ovaries stop producing eggs, and hormone levels such as estrogen and progesterone decrease. Menopause officially occurs after a woman has missed menstrual cycles for 12 consecutive months. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, although the individual onset of menopause can vary. If menstrual period...
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Everything You Need to Know About Hyperhydration: Symptoms, Dangers, and Prevention

Recently, I have been frequently asked about the benefits of consuming a large amount of water. To give you an idea of the volume in question, a normal level of water consumption for an adult is considered to be 8 glasses per day. This fluid intake recommendation is not supported by specific research; it is simply an approximate value that is commonly suggested. And this volume includes all fluids that enter the body throughout the day. Indeed, people often drink less water than is neces...
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Unlocking The Secrets Of RED-S: A Guide For Athletes

RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport) is a condition characterized by insufficient energy intake to support the normal functioning of the body in athletes. It can occur when athletes do not consume enough energy through food to meet the demands of their intense training regimen. Studies have shown that up to 60% of elite athletes have symptoms of RED-s. But this condition can occur even if you are not involved in professional sports. It is all about the balance between training loa...
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Common reasons for infertility and how to solve them (part 2)

How to resolve infertility naturally? It is a natural occurrence that when you are not in optimal health, it becomes challenging to conceive a child. This cannot even be considered infertility; it is your body's way of indicating that it may not be the best time for procreation. Here, I will list some solutions that can help address this issue without resorting to expensive procedures of artificial fertilization. Nutrients needed for conception and pregnancy Many nutrients are...
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Common reasons for infertility and how to solve them (part 1)

Infertility is a prevalent issue worldwide, and 1 in 6 individuals globally experience infertility, according to the World Health Organization. However, I want to discuss not only infertility but also the importance of checking the health of prospective parents in advance, even before addressing infertility. Even if there is no infertility issue, if we want to reduce the number of special needs children, the first thing to do is to screen prospective mothers and help them address health iss...
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