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Your very special child

The Surprising Connection: Nutrition, Epigenetics, and Your Lifelong Health, Part 2

Epigenetic marks play a crucial role in maintaining health throughout life by regulating biological processes and predisposition to diseases. Understanding when and how these marks can change opens new opportunities for the prevention of chronic diseases and improving quality of life. In the first part of the article, we examined the theoretical aspects of epigenetics, how and when these changes occur, and their impact on health. In the second part, we will focus on practical approaches: ho...
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The Surprising Connection: Nutrition, Epigenetics, and Your Lifelong Health, Part 1

In recent years, research in genetics and epigenetics has garnered increasing attention, opening new horizons for understanding health and chronic diseases. Genetics studies hereditary traits and variations in DNA structure, while epigenetics examines changes in gene activity that do not alter the DNA sequence itself. One of the key aspects of epigenetics is that these changes can be reversible. This opens up new opportunities for developing treatments for diseases where changes in gene exp...
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Over-Methylation vs. Under-Methylation: What You Need to Know for Better Health

Methylation is a crucial biochemical process occurring in all cells of the body. It involves adding a methyl group (CH₃) to molecules such as DNA, proteins, and lipids, significantly influencing their functions and activities. Methylation regulates various physiological mechanisms, including gene expression, detoxification, mood regulation, energy production, immune system function, and cellular maintenance. Particularly important is the role of methylation in the liver, where it helps neut...
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Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Health Consequences and How to Prevent Them

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a crucial water-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in maintaining nervous system health, red blood cell formation, and DNA synthesis. It is essential for normal brain and nerve function, as well as for energy production in the body. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products such as meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. Adequate intake is vital for normal bodily function, as a deficiency can lead to serious health issues. Can Our Body Produce Vit...
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Detox Reactions: Understanding Causes, Symptoms, and the Most Effective Binders

What is a Detox Reaction? A detox reaction refers to the body's various responses to the elimination of toxins, pathogens, and other harmful substances. These reactions can manifest as worsened symptoms, exacerbation of existing conditions, or a general sense of weakness. It is important to understand that these reactions are a normal part of the detoxification process, whether it involves the removal of heavy metals, endotoxins, mycotoxins, or the die-off of pathogens. Although these re...
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Creating a Safe Home Environment for Better Health

In the first part, we discussed the issue of pathogenic biofilms forming on moisture-exposed surfaces in the home: Biofilms in the Home and Their Impact on Human Health. Now we will explore what can be done to reduce this impact on our health, as regular cleaning is only a part of the necessary measures. In modern homes and apartments, despite visible cleanliness, various microbes, fungi, and bacteria can accumulate, many of which pose serious health risks. Sources of microbial contamina...
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Biofilms in the Home and Their Impact on Human Health

We have talked a lot about mold and the importance of preventing its spread in the home. Mold is indeed one of the most serious threats to our health, but the issues do not end there. Recent research indicates that the problem extends beyond just mold to a broader issue—homes exposed to water damage. You might say, "But isn’t that how mold problems arise?" And that’s true. However, aside from mold, there are other threats that often go unnoticed. Moreover, if you think the problems are l...
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EDS, MCAS, And POTS: Unveiling The Hidden Connections

In medical education, emphasis is placed on the ability to think about the most likely causes of illnesses, referred to as "horses," rather than rare cases, or "zebras." This helps to diagnose common problems more quickly, but often leads to the overlooking of rare conditions. Therefore, the symbol of rare diseases, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, is a zebra — to remind doctors of the importance of considering unusual cases. Now, let's talk about this and other "zebras." MCAS, EDS, and P...
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Living With MCAS: Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Modern Therapies

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a chronic condition in which mast cells in the body become excessively activated. This leads to the release of numerous chemical substances that can cause diverse symptoms affecting various systems of the body. What are Mast Cells? Understanding the role of mast cells in the body helps explain the variety of MCAS symptoms and the need for a comprehensive approach to treating this condition. Mast cells, or mastocytes, are specialized white blo...
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Discover the phenomenon of joint hypermobility and its associated risks

Hypermobility is a condition where joints have greater flexibility than usual. People with hypermobility can bend and extend their joints beyond normal ranges of motion. So far, this doesn’t sound too bad, right? Moreover, we usually envy people with hypermobility; after all, they can easily do splits, whereas an average person might need weeks, if not months, of training. Indeed, this condition can be harmless and even advantageous in certain sports and activities, such as gymnastics and d...
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