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Lack Iron: The Enemy Leading to Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency is a condition in which the level of iron in the body decreases, leading to insufficient amounts for normal hemoglobin synthesis. Although iron deficiency itself is not anemia, it can cause various unpleasant symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, and cognitive decline. If iron deficiency progresses, it can lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia, which poses a serious health risk. Iron deficiency anemia can develop not only due to a lack of iron but also as a result ...
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What is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)?

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is often a puzzling condition, the causes of which can be extremely difficult to pinpoint, and it can significantly incapacitate individuals. So, what is POTS? During a POTS crisis, a person may feel as though their heart starts beating harder and faster than usual when they suddenly change positions. They may experience dizziness or even loss of balance as if their legs are not obeying them. Often, there's a sense of weakness or fatigu...
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Depression And Digestion: The Mysteries Of The Emotional-Gut Connection

What is depression? Depression is a serious mental disorder characterized by a prolonged period of low mood, loss of interest in favorite activities, changes in energy balance, and a decreased sense of satisfaction with life. It affects overall physical and emotional well-being, the ability to function in daily life, and the quality of interpersonal relationships. Depression can have different degrees of severity, and without timely treatment, it can become chronic and negatively impa...
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Helicobacter Or Something Else? The Most Common Causes of Gastritis

Before the discovery of Helicobacter pylori, many cases of gastritis were considered chronic but relatively harmless conditions. For a long time, it was believed that gastritis was caused by an excess level of stomach acid, and treatment was aimed at reducing acidity. Other theories included the role of stress, improper diet, and an unhealthy lifestyle in the development of gastritis. With the emergence of new data, it became clear that the presence of this bacterium in the stomach is no...
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ADHD: Diagnosis And Treatment. The Power Of Comprehensive Support

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder that affects the behaviour and attention of children and adolescents. In recent decades, cases of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have significantly increased, making it one of the most prevalent childhood psychiatric disorders today. This article aims to explore what ADHD is, its signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, and how parents can provide support to children dealing with this co...
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Common reasons for infertility and how to solve them (part 2)

How to resolve infertility naturally? It is a natural occurrence that when you are not in optimal health, it becomes challenging to conceive a child. This cannot even be considered infertility; it is your body's way of indicating that it may not be the best time for procreation. Here, I will list some solutions that can help address this issue without resorting to expensive procedures of artificial fertilization. Nutrients needed for conception and pregnancy Many nutrients are...
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Common reasons for infertility and how to solve them (part 1)

Infertility is a prevalent issue worldwide, and 1 in 6 individuals globally experience infertility, according to the World Health Organization. However, I want to discuss not only infertility but also the importance of checking the health of prospective parents in advance, even before addressing infertility. Even if there is no infertility issue, if we want to reduce the number of special needs children, the first thing to do is to screen prospective mothers and help them address health iss...
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Why am I tired all the time or does fatigue always mean anemia?

Why am I always tired or does fatigue always mean anemia? We can all feel tired from time to time, and it's perfectly normal; it just means our bodies need rest. You can spend the whole day on your feet and be tired by the evening. You can also spend an entire day sitting with your books and end up even more tired than from physical exertion because our brain is the most energy-consuming organ in the body. Stress can also make you tired; it consumes a lot of your energy. Other example...
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