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Urinary tract infections

Mycoplasma Infections: More Than Just a Persistent Cough

[Russian translation] Mycoplasmas are unique bacteria characterized by the absence of a cell wall. Instead, they have a cytoplasmic membrane, which makes them distinct from microorganisms. This feature complicates their detection by the immune system and renders antibiotics targeting the cell wall ineffective. However, drugs such as tetracyclines and macrolides, which act on other mechanisms like protein synthesis, remain effective against these microorganisms. Mycoplasmas can cause...
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Unlock the Mystery of Microbial Biofilms in Chronic and Recurrent Infections

[Russian translation] Likely, you are familiar with situations where an illness proves difficult to treat. For instance, a person consults a doctor, who prescribes an antibiotic, but the problem only temporarily subsides, only to return later. Subsequent attempts to use a broader spectrum of antibiotics also prove ineffective. Sometimes, after treatment, the situation even worsens. All of this can lead to a loss of faith in medicine and even self-medication or seeking help from traditi...
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Chronic Urinary Tract Infection: Is Complete Elimination Possible?

[Russian translation] Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common conditions affecting women and men, with acute and chronic forms characterized by various causes and risk factors. Acute cystitis and urethritis are typical examples of quickly treatable infections requiring timely antibiotic intervention. In contrast, chronic infections like chronic cystitis and prostatitis can cause significant discomfort for patients and necessitate prolonged treatment. Biofilms often play a role in th...
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