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Microbiome: The Invisible Ecosystem Within and Around Us

[Russian translation] The microbiome is a collection of microorganisms that inhabit not only the intestines but also the skin, respiratory tract, mucous membranes, urogenital system, and even the surrounding environment. The human body contains more microbial cells than its own: for every human cell, there are approximately 1.3 microbial cells. The total mass of the microbiome is estimated to be 1.5–2 kg, and its genes outnumber human genes by 150 times. The external microbiome is a...
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Your Gut Microbiota Holds The Key To Better Health, Part 2

[Russian translation] For effective treatment of dysbiosis, it is crucial to start with an accurate diagnosis. In the first article, we explored the fundamental concepts of dysbiosis, its impact on health, and its underlying causes. Many conditions have similar symptoms but require different treatment approaches. As we mentioned earlier, issues related to dysbiosis can be identified using various diagnostic methods. The primary ones include stool analysis and breath tests. Stool analys...
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Pathogenic Biofilms: Unlocking Powerful Strategies for The Most Effective Treatment. Part 2

[Russian translation] In the first part, we discussed therapies that can assist in treating pathogenic biofilms, most of which should be conducted in a specially equipped office and administered by a competent specialist. In the second part, we will consider therapies that can be performed at home, although they often involve prescription medications. Where Else Are Biofilms Found? Those familiar with the primary stages of treating mold toxicity may notice familiar steps in treat...
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Biofilm In The Body May Impact Mental Health

[Russian translation] In the first article, "Unlock the Mystery of Microbial Biofilms in Chronic and Recurrent Infections" we extensively explored information beneficial for those seeking to understand what biofilms are. The biofilms in the human body serve as protection for the habitats of various microorganisms. Recent studies have shown that the composition of these biofilms can have a significant impact on mental health. It has been found that biofilms can affect the nervous syst...
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