Infertility is a prevalent issue worldwide, and 1 in 6 individuals globally experience infertility, according to the World Health Organization. However, I want to discuss not only infertility but also the importance of checking the health of prospective parents in advance, even before addressing infertility. Even if there is no infertility issue, if we want to reduce the number of special needs children, the first thing to do is to screen prospective mothers and help them address health issues before they conceive.
Some Statistics
Canadian statistics are consistent with global trends: 10-15% of the population suffers from infertility. According to Canadian statistics, 30% of infertility cases are related to male problems, while 40% are related to female problems. 25% of couples have more than one cause of infertility.
What is Considered Infertile?
Of course, nobody would consider infertility if a couple is using contraception or if they do not have regular sexual intercourse.
Primary infertility refers to the inability to conceive despite multiple attempts within one year.
Secondary infertility is the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term after the birth of one or more biological children.
Causes of infertility
The rate of infertility is continuously increasing worldwide. Among the main causes are toxins that can mimic hormones and affect fertility, pregnancy, and the ability to conceive. This is a new factor that may be significant for both women and men. Treatment of cancer with chemotherapy or radiation therapy can also cause infertility in both women and men. Additionally, heavy metals and mycotoxins from mold can interfere with achieving pregnancy.
In addition, the causes of female infertility can include:
- Poor nutrition
- Emotional stress
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Thyroid disorders, diabetes, and other hormonal problems
- Candidiasis, dysbiosis, and other digestive tract issues
- Eating disorders (insufficient nutrients)
- Excessive physical exertion
- Underweight
- Overweight
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Autoimmune disorders
- Additionally: fibroids, endometriosis, fallopian tube damage, inflammatory conditions of the pelvic organs, presence of scar tissue.
Causes of male infertility can include:
- Abnormal sperm production or delivery issues
- Structural or anatomical problems, such as blockages in the testicles
- Damage to the reproductive organs
- Excessive exposure to heat, for example, in saunas or hot tubs, which can increase body temperature and affect sperm production.
- Certain types of activities that negatively impact male reproductive functions, such as cycling.
What Can Help Resolve Infertility Naturally
As you can see, there are many causes, and some of them may require surgical intervention to address the issue. But here’s the good news: in the modern world, most people can find a solution to their infertility problem.
There are numerous modern methods to address this issue. However, it is advisable not to immediately resort to such methods. It’s better to have a little patience and focus on your health first. There is a high probability that after taking care of your health, expensive methods may not be necessary. But even if you do require assistance, it is better if your health is in the best condition at that time. I’m talking about a reasonable timeframe: within a year or a year and a half, it is possible to bring your body into order.
Risk factors
Many risk factors for male and female infertility are the same. They include:
Age: Female fertility gradually declines with age, especially in the mid-30s, and rapidly decreases after 37 years. Infertility in older women is likely associated with a lower quantity and quality of eggs, as well as health issues that affect fertility. Men over 40 years old may also have lower sperm levels compared to younger men.
Tobacco use: Smoking tobacco or marijuana by one of the partners can reduce the chances of pregnancy. Smoking also reduces the potential effectiveness of infertility treatment. Miscarriages are more common in smoking women. Smoking can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and low sperm count in men.
Alcohol consumption: For women, there is no safe level of alcohol consumption during conception or pregnancy. Alcohol consumption can contribute to infertility. In men, excessive alcohol consumption can reduce sperm count and motility. If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, seeking alcohol addiction rehabilitation can be crucial for recovery.
Excess weight: Among Canadian women, a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight can increase the risk of infertility. Excess weight in men can also affect sperm count.
Underweight: Women at risk of fertility problems include those with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, as well as those who follow very low-calorie diets.
Exercise issues: Lack of physical exercise contributes to obesity, which increases the risk of infertility. Infrequent ovulation issues may be associated with frequent intense physical exercises in women without excess weight.
When Should You Consider Potential Fertility Issues?
For women: Even if you haven’t tried to conceive yet, you should consider getting evaluated for potential problems if:
- You are 35 years or older and have been trying to conceive for six months or longer.
- You are over 40 years old.
- You have irregular or absent periods, which may indicate a lack of ovulation and could be related to female infertility.
- Your menstrual cycle is too long (35 days or more) or too short (less than 21 days).
- You experience very painful periods.
- You know that you have fertility issues.
- You have been diagnosed with endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease.
- You have experienced miscarriages.
- You have undergone cancer treatment.
For men, it is advisable to consult a doctor if they:
- Have had any problems or conditions related to sperm production or the reproductive organs.
- Have undergone cancer treatment.
- Have other family members with infertility issues.
Sometimes, problems causing infertility are present from birth, while in other cases, they develop later in life. Therefore, it is worth being proactive even if you already have children.
Preconception Health Check
Many couples are unaware that they may have underlying issues because they haven’t attempted to conceive or undergone any health checks. Furthermore, even when these couples decide to have a child, necessary evaluations are often not conducted until they encounter problems. Is this the right approach? Certainly not.
Personally, I didn’t have any problems conceiving or during pregnancy, but there were significant issues with my child’s health and my own health after giving birth. I believe that the outcome could have been different if I had proactively assessed my health and addressed any identified problems beforehand. After all, a mother’s nutritional deficiencies will undoubtedly impact the development of the child’s body and, of course, their brain. In the second part, we will delve into these questions in detail.