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Hair Loss

Cracking The PCOS Code: Revealing Causes, Symptoms, And Environmental Impact

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder affecting women of reproductive age. While PCOS can present differently, its impact on health and quality of life can be significant. It's important to recognize the signs and consequences of this condition to receive timely diagnosis and treatment. What symptoms indicate PCOS? PCOS is characterized by several main symptoms, including Irregular menstrual cycles or absence of menstruation.Elevated levels of ma...
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Thyroid Dysfunction and Diagnostic Challenges

There are cases where patients experiencing symptoms potentially related to thyroid dysfunction undergo standard testing for TSH hormone levels, and the results fall within the normal range. This often concludes the examination. It is possible that, for this reason, many individuals in the Canadian province of BC remain undiagnosed for many years. They exhibit symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, yet specialists assure them that everything is fine, relying on the fact that thyroid-stimulatin...
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How Vitamin D Deficiency Can Affect Your Health

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of your body, including bone health and immunity. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D can be synthesized by our bodies. However, due to the geographical location of Canada, it can be considered that no residents of Canada can produce it in sufficient quantities on their own. Why is it important to have adequate levels of vitamin D? Vitamin D can reduce the risk of complications from influenza and coron...
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Causes of hair loss or alopecia

The problem of hair loss has always existed, but now it is particularly common. The reason is that hair loss is one of the side effects of post-COVID infection. We have already discussed post-COVID issues separately; now let's take a closer look at the issue of post-COVID hair loss. Why Do Hair Fall Out? Let's start with the fact that hair always falls out; it's just nature's way. But why do they fall out at all? About 90 percent of the hair on our scalp is in the growth phase (anagen...
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