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Causes of hair loss or alopecia


The problem of hair loss has always existed, but now it is particularly common. The reason is that hair loss is one of the side effects of post-COVID infection. We have already discussed post-COVID issues separately; now let’s take a closer look at the issue of post-COVID hair loss.

Why Do Hair Fall Out?

Let’s start with the fact that hair always falls out; it’s just nature’s way. But why do they fall out at all? About 90 percent of the hair on our scalp is in the growth phase (anagen), while about 10 percent of the hair is in the resting phase (telogen). On the scalp, the anagen phase lasts for about three to six years (this duration decreases with age), and then the hair begins to transition into telogen, which lasts from two to six months. At the end of the telogen phase, our hair falls out of its follicles and is replaced by new hair in the anagen phase. Each hair goes through this cycle multiple times during its lifetime. That’s why losing 100-150 hairs a day is considered normal.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is often the cause of hair loss in the post-COVID period. Many people noticed the loss of clumps of hair during the recovery period after a SARS-CoV-2 infection, which occurred while combing or washing their hair. Those who experienced this may argue that their loss was far from just 10%. That’s correct; it was simply your body’s reaction to this infection. At that moment, your body diverted all its efforts to fight and decisively got rid of what it deemed non-essential. Many may disagree, but believe me, from your body’s perspective, hair is something it can sacrifice first because it will grow back.

During the process of fighting the infection, your body may have transitioned up to 50% of your hair into the telogen phase, and these hairs continued (or continued) to fall out long after you recovered. It’s important for the transition into the telogen phase to cease after you’ve recovered, and then all you have to do is support your body and wait for new hair to grow. However, those hairs that your body has already shifted into the telogen phase will never return to the anagen phase; they can only fall out and allow new hair to grow.

What Other Reasons Can Cause Hair Loss?

You’ve probably already guessed that any stress can make your body want to conserve its vital energy and transition your hair into the telogen phase. Among them are:

  • Viral infections
  • Hospitalization due to illness or injury
  • Surgery
  • Childbirth
  • Medications, especially hormonal ones, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Entering menopause, age-related changes
  • Severe emotional stress
  • Nutrient deficiencies: biotin, iron, protein, zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids

How Long Does Hair Loss Last After the Stressful Situation Ends?

If we’re talking about telogen effluvium, hair loss will typically stop after about three to six months. These are the hairs that were prematurely shifted into the telogen phase. Once the body recovers, the hair starts to regrow unless the hair follicles are damaged. Usually, telogen effluvium does not lead to the loss of hair follicles. However, during this time, hair may temporarily stop growing as long as the body believes it needs to conserve energy.

If you notice that your hair has become less dense than before, it may simply be because hair growth takes time. It may take about 2 years for your hair to fully recover to shoulder length because hair growth is a time-consuming process. Approximately 1 cm per month is considered normal hair growth.

How to Monitor Hair Loss Levels

Experts suggest a simple solution: comb your hair for 60 seconds and then assess the amount of hair left on the comb. Do this every day. If the amount decreases, you are in the process of recovery; if the amount remains unchanged or increases, you most likely need specialist assistance. However, if hair loss itself is a stressful situation for you, you may continue to lose hair simply because you cannot cope with this stress. In this case, it’s better to seek help as early as possible and undergo an examination to at least stop worrying about it, you can Visit Website to get assistance.

Other Causes of Hair Loss Not Related to the Telogen Phase:

Of course, not all hair loss is related to telogen effluvium. Here are the most well-known causes. Not all of them are reversible, but early intervention can help in many cases.

  • Genetic hair loss (male pattern baldness in men, female pattern baldness in women)
  • Improper hair care
  • Tight hairstyles that pull on the hair
  • Infectious skin problems
  • Psoriasis of the scalp
  • Hair pulling as a reaction to stress (trichotillomania)
  • Scarring, burns, friction
  • Poisoning with toxins (thallium, mercury, arsenic, lithium)

When to Seek Help?

If excessive hair loss, more than 10% of the total hair mass, persists for a long time, it is essential to undergo a thorough examination. It seems that you have a health issue that is causing your body to continue trying to conserve energy and get rid of something it absolutely doesn’t need—your hair.

