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What is the best test to check the level of mold contamination in your home?

Russian There are currently no officially recognized tests available. This gap prevents you from knowing the condition of the house you intend to live in. It would be much simpler if, when renting or buying a house, we could request a document indicating the level of mold contamination in the building. Similarly, when sending your child to school or daycare, it would be wonderful to know more about the quality of the environment they will be in. Unfortunately, experimental tests are cu...
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Is Traditional Chinese Medicine a Replacement for Modern Medicine?

Russian I studied traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as part of my mandatory courses at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). Discover the best business colorado to maximize growth and success in the local market. Among all the disciplines, CCNM gives Chinese medicine a special place. In Ontario, anyone with an ND (Naturopathic Doctor) license is knowledgeable about Chinese medicine, while in BC, it requires separate certification for NDs. I have a respectful attitude t...
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Why are children more vulnerable to biotoxins?

Russian The modern generation of children spends more time indoors than any previous generation. Remember your own childhood; going outside was always a joy for us. We had friends, games, and couldn't be dragged back home in winter or summer. Now you can't even persuade children to leave the house! It's no longer a punishment when you say, "Don't go outside today!" It's exactly what children want - not to go anywhere and sit in front of their phone, computer, tablet, or television s...
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The Reality of the Modern Canadian Healthcare System

Russian We have already discussed the modern healthcare system, touching on the issues of Canadian medicine: Why Does Modern Medicine Not Always Help People? Now let's delve into how the Canadian healthcare system works in more detail. Like in other countries, the modern system of medical practice in Canada is based on standardized treatment protocols and optimal utilization of the doctor's time. It has the right to exist, but as soon as a patient has more than one problem, this syst...
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Why Does Modern Medicine Not Always Help People?

Russian Many would agree with me that medicine has changed significantly over the past decades. Doctors have stopped approaching patients' problems individually and now only listen to the patient for a few minutes, whereas in the past, the initial visit could last an hour or more. Previously, a doctor could make a house call if a patient was feeling unwell, but now patients have to wait for hours in the hospital queue, even if they can barely stand and are on the verge of losing consci...
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Ozone Therapy as a Promising Treatment for Chronic Diseases

Russian Ozone is an active form of oxygen that contains three atoms of oxygen, rather than the two atoms we typically breathe. The clinical use of ozone depends on the concentration and volume applied. Areas of application for ozone: There are three popular areas of application for ozone in alternative medicine: Ozone has strong antimicrobial effects against bacteria, viruses, and fungi.Ozone improves blood circulation and has been used for both external and internal use.The...
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Strategies To Prevent Gout Flare-Ups: Practical Solutions For Lasting Relief

Russian There is no person who hasn't heard of gout. However, people often don't know that they are at risk of this condition, and it can happen to them at any moment. Hospital admissions after a wild party with friends are particularly common. But let's delve into this issue in more detail and understand why it happens at such moments, even if a predisposition to gout is genetic. What is Hyperuricemia? Hyperuricemia is an elevated level of uric acid in the blood. This condition ...
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How To Clean Your House From Mold?

Russian Also read: How to Check for and Eliminate Mold Intoxication It has long been known that the combination of mold illness and Lyme disease complicates treatment. But only now it has become clear that indoor mold complicates the treatment of any problem, even if the mold itself is not the primary cause of these problems. What is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS)? CIRS is now the term used for a disease caused by mold exposure. Let's list the possible symptoms ...
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Chronic Lyme can look like a lot of illnesses

Russian Chronic Lyme disease can manifest as multiple illnesses It's probably difficult to find someone who hasn't heard of Lyme disease. Everyone already knows that this disease can develop after a tick bite, but not everyone knows that there are several forms of Lyme disease. When you hear that in Canada, until recently, the existence of Lyme disease was not officially recognized, it refers to the chronic form of this disease. The situation has changed recently, but there are still m...
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How Vitamin D Deficiency Can Affect Your Health

Russian Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of your body, including bone health and immunity. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D can be synthesized by our bodies. However, due to the geographical location of Canada, it can be considered that no residents of Canada can produce it in sufficient quantities on their own. Why is it important to have adequate levels of vitamin D? Vitamin D can reduce the risk of complications from influe...
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