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Medical System

The Reality of the Modern Canadian Healthcare System

[Russian translation] We have already discussed the modern healthcare system, touching on the issues of Canadian medicine: Why Does Modern Medicine Not Always Help People? Now let's delve into how the Canadian healthcare system works in more detail. Like in other countries, the modern system of medical practice in Canada is based on standardized treatment protocols and optimal utilization of the doctor's time. It has the right to exist, but as soon as a patient has more than one prob...
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Why Does Modern Medicine Not Always Help People?

[Russian translation] Many would agree with me that medicine has changed significantly over the past decades. Doctors have stopped approaching patients' problems individually and now only listen to the patient for a few minutes, whereas in the past, the initial visit could last an hour or more. Previously, a doctor could make a house call if a patient was feeling unwell, but now patients have to wait for hours in the hospital queue, even if they can barely stand and are on the verge of...
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