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Healthy living

The consumption of alcohol in any amount causes brain damage, as demonstrated by a new study

[Russian translation] Here are the resources about alcohol addiction. To find out more, you can read this article to gain further insights on the unusual news story that has captured the attention of all media outlets today. According to a new study, there is no level of alcohol consumption that is safe for you. Any alcohol consumption is associated with impaired brain health. Researchers from the University of Oxford came to this conclusion after studying the relationship between alco...
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What Components Of Toothpaste Are Hazardous To Health?

[Russian translation] During a lifetime, the average person uses more than 50 litres of toothpaste, as many people use it twice a day. Children often swallow toothpaste, accidentally or intentionally. Today, swallowing toothpaste is the most common reason for calls to poison control. But even if you don't swallow toothpaste, the chemical substances in toothpaste can enter your bloodstream simply by being absorbed through the oral cavity. In this article, I will talk about the most p...
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