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Hidden Dangers in Water-Damaged Homes: Mold and Actinomycetes

[Russian translation] Actinomycetes are a group of Gram-positive bacteria that occupy an intermediate position between bacteria and fungi. They form branched, filamentous structures resembling mold mycelium and are capable of producing spores. While many species of actinomycetes naturally occur in the environment and participate in the decomposition of organic matter, certain strains can become pathogenic and pose a threat to human health when they begin to proliferate indoors. What A...
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Are You Tired Of Chronic Nasal Congestion?

[Russian translation] Quite often, people complain not about a bacterial infection of the sinuses but about some strange sore throat and morning nasal congestion, which goes away for a while, and all this is accompanied by entirely unrelated symptoms: fatigue, headaches, and mood swings. In this case, an allergy can be diagnosed, and maybe even an allergen can be detected. But I was surprised that, for some reason, someone began to experience headaches less often or more often and fel...
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What is the best test to check the level of mold contamination in your home?

[Russian translation] There are currently no officially recognized tests available. This gap prevents you from knowing the condition of the house you intend to live in. It would be much simpler if, when renting or buying a house, we could request a document indicating the level of mold contamination in the building. Similarly, when sending your child to school or daycare, it would be wonderful to know more about the quality of the environment they will be in. Unfortunately, experimenta...
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