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Acid reflux problem or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

I find myself frequently explaining to people nowadays that the medications they take for heartburn can actually be harmful and do not solve the underlying issue; they merely alleviate the unpleasant symptoms. That's why I decided to write about it separately. It is often challenging for people to accept the fact that something that provides instant relief can pose a real danger. So, let's delve into the matter in detail. What is acid reflux or GERD? At the core of acid reflux is a ma...
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Basic principles of eye care to reduce the risk of vision loss

Vision loss has a significant impact on the life of every individual. It affects self-esteem, social isolation, and relationships with loved ones. Almost anyone may be forced to change their job, lose their regular income, be unable to drive, and participate in their usual daily life if this event suddenly strikes them. Vision loss always leads to disability, and many of us hope it won't happen to us but take any action to prevent it. While vision can disappear in a day, the actual pr...
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