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The Top 7 Reasons to Try Ozone Therapy in Autism

Autism is a neurological disorder that impacts the development of social and communicative skills in both children and adults. It is characterized by a range of typical symptoms, including limited interests, repetitive actions, and difficulties in socialization. Autism usually becomes evident in early childhood and varies in severity, making it a spectrum disorder.

For some individuals, autism may be hardly noticeable to others, while for others, it might initially go unnoticed, but they may experience periods of regression and developmental setbacks. Regardless of the specific challenges, the general rule for all these individuals is that the earlier therapies are introduced, the faster and better results can be achieved. This underscores the critical importance of early autism diagnosis.

Common Approaches to Autism Treatment

To attain the best possible outcomes in treating autism, it is essential to combine various treatment and educational methods. It is also vital for family members of autistic children to expand their knowledge of the most extensively researched and well-established approaches to make informed decisions when planning their expenditures.

It is no secret that educating and socializing children with autism is significantly more costly than typically developing children. That is why in Canada, families with autistic children have access to various funds and services designed to assist parents in coping with the challenges they face. Listing them all is impractical since each province has its own programs. Moreover, these programs often undergo changes, typically geared toward reducing government expenses, as the number of autistic children increases year by year.

Exploring Alternative Methods of Treatment and Support

Over time, doctors and researchers have gained more insight into the nature of autism. They have developed various medical and behavioural therapies aimed at improving the quality of life for autistic children and their families. However, due to the spectrum nature of autism, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment approach. This is why alternative methods and combinations of teaching and treatment approaches are actively being investigated to discover effective solutions.

One such alternative method we will discuss today is ozone therapy. We will delve into how this therapy can be applied to assist patients with autism, as well as the potential associated risks.

Application of Ozone in Medicine

Ozone therapy is a treatment method that utilizes ozone for medical purposes and finds applications across various medical fields. You can learn more about the use of ozone in medicine in this article: “Ozone Therapy as a Promising Treatment for Chronic Diseases”.

Ozone Therapy for Autism

Ozone therapy can be highly effective for children with autism. Autism is often linked to issues with the immune system, inflammatory processes, high oxidative stress, reduced antioxidant production, and a high prevalence of various infections.

Ozone can contribute to improving the health of these children due to its anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. It assists in the production of antioxidants, reducing cellular damage. Moreover, it can help alleviate various health issues, including behavioural problems, gastrointestinal concerns, and challenges related to the immune and endocrine (hormonal) systems. Ozone therapy can lead to better sleep, reduced aggression and self-aggression, decreased anxiety levels, and improved speech.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to remember that while ozone therapy has few contraindications, it is not without risks. Therefore, it necessitates specific research before use, as well as continuous professional supervision and personalized recommendations.

How Ozone Therapy Works for Autism

Let’s delve deeper into the benefits of ozone therapy and how it can impact the treatment of autistic children. We know that ozone:

  1. Enhances the activity of white blood cells and modulates the immune system. Both of these effects can be beneficial for autistic children, as they often experience immune-related issues. These issues may go unnoticed because the focus is often on behavior, without the necessary diagnostic tests. In early childhood, such issues may manifest as behavioural problems, as the child may not understand that they are feeling unwell, leading to disruptive behaviour.
  2. Modulates and reduces inflammation. This issue is also highly relevant to autistic children. Inflammation can occur in the gut and the brain, and these problems often manifest as behavioural issues. For instance, if a child has trouble sleeping, tosses and turns frequently, or refuses many types of food, it could be indicative of inflammatory processes in the gut. Brain-related symptoms can vary widely, from coordination and speech development issues to aggression and self-aggression.
  3. Compensates for oxygen deficiency and reduces pain. This is particularly relevant for autistic children. Oxygen deficiency in tissues can cause pain, and pain can lead to behavioural problems not only in children but also in adults. Insufficient oxygen supply to the brain can result in headaches and learning difficulties. Additionally, headaches can manifest as self-destructive behaviour, such as a child hitting their head against a surface or constantly rubbing their forehead, which may lead to the development of wounds or bruises.
  4. Helps remove heavy metals and metal-containing toxins from the body. This is highly pertinent to autistic children due to issues with the methylation cycle and reduced glutathione production. They tend to accumulate toxins at a higher rate than they can eliminate them.
  5. Reduces blood viscosity by changing the charge of iron within red blood cells. This aids in oxygen delivery to all tissues, including brain tissues.
  6. Acts as an antioxidant, assisting in the repair of damaged tissues. Considering that individuals with autism often have a shortage of antioxidants, this property of ozone is highly beneficial.
  7. Exhibits antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic properties. This is crucial for individuals with autism, as immune system issues in these children can often lead to an inability to fight infections. This is especially relevant if a child has a chronic Lyme disease. Chronic Lyme disease can mimic autism symptoms in early childhood. If the child is not tested for Lyme disease, a misdiagnosis may occur, resulting in the child not receiving the appropriate treatment. Such autism differs in that despite parents’ best efforts, the situation continually deteriorates due to the increasing population of Borrelia bacteria, and the immune system cannot effectively combat it.

Applications of Ozone Therapy for Patients with Autism

Ozone is well-tolerated, but it should not be the sole therapy and should not be introduced as the initial therapy. It is preferable to first address dietary improvements and enhance detoxification processes in the child, as this can help reduce potential reactions related to die-off and detoxification.

Several specialists have used this therapy for autistic individuals and children with chronic Lyme disease, reporting positive feedback from their patients. I have used this therapy continuously for my child for six years with consistently good results. This is not surprising, as ozone’s effects are well-balanced: while it can trigger die-off and detox reactions, it also assists in managing these processes without visible side effects.

How Ozone Therapies are Administered to Autistic Children

Ozone is introduced into the body using a special stethoscope through the ear or rectally. Intravenous methods can also be used, but they are not justified for children, who are likely to react negatively to intravenous therapy. Such stress is entirely unwarranted, given that rectal ozone achieves the exact same result.

Currently, there are no clinical trials on ozone therapy for autism, and pharmaceutical giants are not interested in conducting such research because ozone cannot be patented. If you need help with your invention idea, the best company to ask for help from is InventHelp.

Should Therapy Be Conducted in an Office or at Home?

Some ozone therapies can be conducted at home when supervised by a specialist, and patients receive all the necessary information on how to choose a generator, how to use it correctly, and have the opportunity to ask questions to the specialist. Of course, this does not apply to therapies that require the collection of venous blood, its ozonation, and reintroduction into the body. However, various insufflations and the use of ozonated water can be easily done at home. This is especially relevant when therapy needs to be conducted several times a week over an extended period, which is practically impossible if the patient does not live near the specialist’s office. Finding a specialist with an ozone generator in their office is not that simple. For conditions like autism and Lyme disease, therapies often need to be administered for months to achieve the desired effect.

Additionally, a specialist should develop an individual protocol and conduct the necessary tests that must be done for the safe use of ozone therapy and to check for any contraindications to the therapy.


This article discussed an alternative treatment method for autism – ozone therapy, which has shown promising results when combined with other techniques. Ozone therapy can play a significant role in improving the health of autistic children by addressing immune issues, inflammation, and other aspects of their well-being. It is important to emphasize that ozone therapy requires professional supervision and individual recommendations, and it should be integrated into a comprehensive autism treatment plan rather than used in isolation.

Furthermore, it is crucial to highlight the importance of providing families of autistic children with access to various treatment methods, including cost-effective options like ozone therapy.

