How to resolve infertility naturally?
It is a natural occurrence that when you are not in optimal health, it becomes challenging to conceive a child. This cannot even be considered infertility; it is your body’s way of indicating that it may not be the best time for procreation.
Here, I will list some solutions that can help address this issue without resorting to expensive procedures of artificial fertilization.
Nutrients needed for conception and pregnancy
Many nutrients are essential for fertility. Therefore, it is important to not only assess hormonal balance but also check the levels of the following for prospective mothers:
- Iron: Anemia can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the baby.
- Vitamin B12: This vitamin is crucial for cell division.
- Folate: Folate is important for the formation of the nervous system.
- Vitamin D: This vitamin is necessary for a healthy immune system.
- Vitamin A: This vitamin is needed for the development of eyes and mucous membranes.
And that’s not all. Proteins, fats, essential amino acids, as well as macro and micronutrients are equally important. Just think about it, within 9 months, a new life forms in your body starting from just one cell! Of course, the baby will take everything it needs from the mother. But the mother must have those nutrients in the first place; otherwise, there won’t be anything to provide.
From all of this, it follows that it is crucial for prospective mothers to understand how their digestive system works. What can be easily and simply corrected before pregnancy may become impossible later on. Just think about the numerous contraindications that exist for pregnant and nursing mothers!
Preparation program for a healthy pregnancy
Check the gut and treat any issues found
A mother cannot provide her child with what she does not have or cannot absorb. Therefore, the condition of the mother’s gut is the first thing that should be checked even before conception. It could be gluten intolerance, dysbiosis, or various infectious problems. Any inflammatory process in the gut will lead to the inability to absorb nutrients, resulting in both hormonal issues and insufficient supply of nutrients to the future child.
Address hormonal issues
Preemptively check the thyroid hormone levels – a deficiency in this hormone leads to cretinism in the child, which is an irreversible brain development problem.
Support adrenal function is also crucial as the adrenals produce hormones necessary for conception and pregnancy, such as progesterone and estrogens.
Progesterone cream can help if you have a deficiency of this hormone. Progesterone is necessary to maintain pregnancy, and its deficiency can lead to miscarriage.
If you have diabetes, it also needs to be managed for a successful pregnancy.
Follow a proper diet
I will simply list what research suggests may be related to infertility:
- Gluten intolerance can cause nutrient deficiencies.
- Toxins (pesticides) that are often present in large quantities in non-organic products can disrupt hormonal balance. Use organic food products. Studies confirm the negative impact of pesticides on fertility.
- Excessive consumption of sweets in the diet. It is okay to treat yourself to something sweet a couple of times a week. However, both diabetes and yeast infections can hinder conception.
- Insufficient nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, as well as vitamins, minerals, and essential omega fatty acids. If you plan to carry a child, and your body lacks even the minimum amount of these nutrients, your body may consider it’s not the best time for conception.
Foods that can negatively impact fertility:
- Inflammatory foods, including red meat.
- Grain products.
- Refined sugar.
Habits that can have a negative impact on fertility:
- Alcohol and drug substances can have a detrimental effect on fetal development.
- Excessive caffeine consumption can reduce fertility.
- Marijuana hinders ovulation and is not beneficial for pregnant women or children.
- Smoking is associated with 13% of female infertility cases.
Medications and therapies that can help improve fertility:
- Nutrients in the form of quality supplements can aid in improving fertility. If you are not absorbing necessary nutrients from food or if your diet lacks sufficient nutrients, injections may be necessary if the body cannot absorb nutrients due to gut issues and cannot restore the gut due to nutrient deficiencies.
- Probiotics, prebiotics, and anything that can help restore gut function.
Lifestyle change
If your current lifestyle does not allow you to harmoniously handle external pressures and maintain balance, then you will need to change your lifestyle.
Just imagine having less stress and more freedom while not having a newborn who disrupts sleep, frequently gets sick, and constantly needs care. If you cannot manage stress and plan your time properly without a baby, it is unlikely that motherhood will bring you joy. It will bring additional problems that you will likely endure, but it will not bring you pleasure. A mother who is constantly stressed passes that stress onto the child, which certainly does not benefit the baby. Therefore, try to change your lifestyle in advance.
Reducing stress improves overall health, and specifically, when you are trying to conceive, it directly reduces the risk of female infertility.
When experiencing stress, cortisol levels increase, leading not only to infertility but also to various other physical and mental issues. Excess cortisol leads to a deficiency of progesterone and low thyroid hormone levels, both of which are important for conception and throughout pregnancy.
Research shows that lack of sleep can negatively impact fertility.
Sleep affects hormone production, and insufficient sleep can disrupt the ovulation cycle. Lack of sleep leads to increased cortisol production, which also negatively affects the production of sex hormones. An adult should aim to sleep 7-8 hours per day.
Physical exercise to improve hormone balance:
Some people immediately feel better when they engage in sports. It improves metabolism, reduces the risk of diabetes, decreases stress, and increases serotonin levels.
However, prolonged cardio exercises and overly intense workouts can cause hormone and fertility problems. Researchers have found that both very high and very low levels of physical activity have a negative impact on fertility, while moderate activity is beneficial.
There are several environmental issues that not only affect the possibility of pregnancy but also increase the risk of miscarriages, low birth weight, preterm labor, or congenital defects. Moreover, some of them can hinder the normal development of the child, including potential effects on the child’s behavior and learning ability. Describing all the risks would require writing a book, so I will list only a few:
- Fish with high mercury content. Many fish species contain high levels of mercury, especially larger fish. The optimal fish size is around 50 cm, and it is best not to exceed it.
- Lead exposure. The main source of lead is lead paint, which is common in older homes. If your home was built before 1978, you should avoid any renovations during pregnancy. Another source of lead is soil near major transportation routes.
- Pesticides in food, gardens, and pets: Wash all produce thoroughly, and as mentioned before, it is better to use organic products. Avoid using pesticide sprays in the garden and tick/flea collars on pets during pregnancy.
- Endocrine disruptors: It is important to avoid certain chemicals that can affect your hormones. They are found in many perfumes and other cosmetic products, as well as in cleaning agents. BPA (bisphenol A) found in plastic and food packaging, and parabens found in some deodorants and other personal hygiene products.
- Indoor mold. Mold can cause a variety of problems for both children and adults and should be addressed promptly.
How to Increase Chances of Getting Pregnant:
Quit smoking. Tobacco has many negative effects on fertility, not to mention overall health and the health of the fetus. If you smoke and are considering pregnancy, quit smoking right now.
Avoid alcohol and street drugs. These substances can impair your ability to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy. Do not consume alcohol and refrain from using recreational drugs such as marijuana if you are trying to get pregnant and there are also great resources at this sites like https://addictionrehabclinics.co.uk/near-me/surrey/.
Limit caffeine intake. Women trying to conceive should limit their caffeine consumption. Ask your doctor about a safe level of caffeine intake.
Exercise moderately. Regular physical exercise is important, but overly intense workouts can lead to irregular or absent menstrual cycles, which can affect fertility.
Weight. Both excess and insufficient weight can affect the production of hormones necessary for conception and maintaining pregnancy. You can visit websites like lizzardco.com to get more information on weight loss.
Limit the use of medications that may affect fertility, both prescription and over-the-counter. Talk to your doctor about any medications you regularly take. Do not stop taking prescription medications without medical consultation.
Contraception. Stop using contraceptives a year before planned pregnancy. Your body needs time to restore its natural cycle.
How to Determine the Best Time for Conception:
When is a woman least fertile? It is useful to know this in order to calculate the optimal time for sexual intercourse. Generally, women are least fertile just before menstruation, during menstruation, and immediately after menstruation. However, it is possible to get pregnant at any time during the month.
Regular sexual contact several times during ovulation maximizes the chances of getting pregnant. Engaging in sexual intercourse at least five days before ovulation and within a day after ovulation increases your chances of conception. Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, around 28 days for most women.
There are special apps that allow tracking the length of the menstrual cycle and timing of ovulation. Basal body temperature measurements and laboratory tests (urine or blood) can also be used.
Feeding the Baby:
Feeding the baby also requires essential nutrients. If I carried the baby, I simply didn’t have any milk. At that moment, my body simply refused to do what it was supposed to do. What could have led to the death of a baby just a few decades ago is fortunate that we now have artificial formulas for infants. However, no formula can fully replace breast milk. Your health reserve should be sufficient to conceive, carry the baby, and breastfeed for at least 3-6 months. You may think I’m getting ahead of myself, and you still believe that the most important thing is to get pregnant and everything else will sort itself out. Trust me, as a mother of a special child, getting pregnant is not the most important thing. The most important thing is for you to give birth to a healthy baby, and for your health to withstand the entire marathon lasting 12+ months. A healthy baby is every expectant mother’s dream. And for that to happen, first and foremost, you must be at the peak of your health when the long-awaited pregnancy occurs.
Dealing with infertility can be a significant stress on its own. The opportunity to solve the problem naturally will not only save your resources but also help you improve your health and lay the foundation for the health of your future child.
As with many other physical and emotional health issues, it is best to start with the basics through diet, physical exercise, low-stress levels, optimizing gastrointestinal health, and minimizing exposure to toxins. When your overall health (both physical and mental) is optimal, the rest will follow. Do not underestimate the power of natural infertility treatment and try these methods today.