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Are You Tired Of Chronic Nasal Congestion?

Quite often, people complain not about a bacterial infection of the sinuses but about some strange sore throat and morning nasal congestion, which goes away for a while, and all this is accompanied by entirely unrelated symptoms: fatigue, headaches, and mood swings. In this case, an allergy can be diagnosed, and maybe even an allergen can be detected. But I was surprised that, for some reason, someone began to experience headaches less often or more often and felt less tired when treating nasal congestion. After that, I suspected that there was a connection between these symptoms.

What is MARCoNS?

MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus) is an infection that often does not respond to antibiotics and is protected by a biofilm.

A biofilm is a colony’s defense mechanism against external influences. It can contain mucus and other microorganisms, enabling the colony to maintain its defense, viability, and reproduction. All sprays, washes, and other interventions will not achieve the desired results unless parallel therapy is employed to disrupt the biofilm and reach the colony itself.

MARCoNS is not just a specific infection; it is a community of infections that pose no threat to a healthy individual as the immune system prevents the colony from establishing itself in the nasal sinuses.

What is Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH)?

MSH is produced in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and skin cells. Its deficiency leads to a lack of skin pigmentation and subsequent loss of natural protection against ultraviolet rays. However, if you don’t spend much time in the sun, you may not notice it. MSH deficiency also reduces protection against inflammation, can cause various types of pain, sleep problems, and decreases the level of antidiuretic hormone, leading to thirst and frequent urination. As a result, patients may suspect a urinary tract infection or diabetes, but tests will not reveal either.

Who is typically found to have MARCoNS?

As previously mentioned, people with a weak immune system, adrenal fatigue, and exposure to toxic mold are commonly affected.

MARCoNS seeks to create favorable conditions for its colony’s survival. Reduced MSH levels lead to increased cytokines, causing inflammation, while the number of regulatory T-cells simultaneously decreases. Consequently, this results in reduced resistance of the body to foreign pathogens, including viruses and bacteria. MARCoNS causes changes in the nasal microbiome, which should be the first line of defense against respiratory infections entering our body.

As you can understand, the natural resistance of the body to all respiratory infections is significantly reduced. Inflammation can be triggered by any substance. It may manifest as an allergic reaction to anything, such as dust, pollen, or grass. Additionally, increased blood vessel formation occurs in the nasal sinuses in response to inflammation, which can increase mucus secretion. The use of steroid medications may temporarily alleviate symptoms but simultaneously negatively affect the immune system and gastrointestinal tract (GI).

Symptoms of MARCoNS

It is evident that the symptoms are primarily associated with the nasal sinuses:

  • Headaches
  • Facial pain
  • Pressure in the nasal sinuses
  • Dental pain (although dentists may not find any issues)

There are also more general symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome)
  • Unexplained pain
  • Mood swings
  • Digestive issues: constipation and/or diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Fertility problems

And many other problems.

What about adrenal fatigue?

Many of these symptoms are also associated with adrenal fatigue. People with adrenal fatigue may be more susceptible to MARCoNS, and conversely, MARCoNS can also worsen adrenal fatigue.

MARCoNS and hormonal issues

There are numerous hormonal problems that can be caused by toxins produced during MARCoNS’ activity. For example, growth hormone production may be reduced due to the influence of MARCoNS. Additionally, this impact can lead to:

  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Increased anxiety or depression
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Decreased bone density
  • High cholesterol
  • Libido issues

How are MARCoNS and mold connected?

It is the weakened immune system that allows mold to colonize the sinus cavities and release mycotoxins. We still don’t know everything about the impact of mycotoxins on the body, but it has been proven that they can cross the blood-brain barrier, affecting behavior and the nervous system. We also know that mycotoxins worsen allergies and asthma and cause more problems in individuals with compromised immune function, which is often the case with adrenal fatigue. However, the exact mechanism of the immune system’s response to mold is unknown.

There can also be a feedback loop. Prolonged exposure to mold can lead to a chronically active immune system, which in turn depletes immune resources and weakens immunity. This can also lead to the colonization of the nasal sinuses by Staphylococcus bacteria and the development of MARCoNS.

In cases of mold exposure, the level of MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone) will be abnormally low in over 95% of patients.

Are there tests to detect MARCoNS?

You might say that all of this is just theory, but are there tests available? Yes, there are. For a long time, it was merely a theory, but now we have the ability to not only test for MARCoNS but also check for the presence of biofilm.

A sample is taken from the back of the nasal cavity to avoid contamination. The procedure is highly unpleasant. Interestingly, laboratories offer testing not only for humans but also for their pets. MARCoNS can be detected in dogs and horses.

Genetic testing of HLA-DR can also be conducted to check for immune defects that lead to problems in eliminating all toxins.

What is the Impact of MARCoNS on the Body?

MARCoNS is not just a colony. This colony releases chemicals into the bloodstream and triggers systemic inflammation. MARCoNS produces substances that reduce the level of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), further promoting inflammation. At the same time, a normal MSH level protects the nasal mucosa from MARCoNS colonization. MARCoNS is not found in healthy individuals with a well-functioning immune system.

How is MARCoNS treated?

When treating Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) and observing a lack of progress, MARCoNS testing is conducted on the patient. After statistically confirming the presence of MARCoNS in 80% of CIRS patients, testing and treating MARCoNS have been incorporated into the CIRS treatment protocol as an important step.

However, when treating Lyme disease or any condition related to a weakened immune system and symptoms that may indicate the presence of MARCoNS, it is recommended to test for and treat MARCoNS.

A comprehensive approach is necessary for treatment. Since the main issue lies within the immune system, the goal is to alleviate the burden on the immune system, clean the environment, support the body, remove toxins, and simultaneously treat MARCoNS by introducing beneficial bacteria into the nasal microbiota.

Our clinic employs a range of therapies to restore nasal microbiota balance and combat MARCoNS infection, including:


If you are experiencing chronic nasal problems alongside fatigue and other symptoms mentioned above, it is advisable to consult a specialist knowledgeable about MARCoNS. Unfortunately, currently, only doctors specializing in CIRS, Lyme disease, and associated infections are addressing this issue.


