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Weight Management Program

[Russian translation]

In the first part, we discussed what can cause the problem of excess weight. Now, let’s discuss what can help you lose weight without negatively affecting your health.

Increase Physical Activity

As mentioned earlier, the approach to physical activity should be individualized for each specific case. If you have a risk of joint injuries, mountain hiking might not be suitable for you, so it’s better to opt for water-based exercises. If you have high blood pressure, running may not be the best choice; instead, focus on brisk walking.

Use of Devices

Consider using devices that can help you monitor your level of physical activity. For example, Fitbit offers several types of such devices in various price ranges. These devices can help you track not only the number of steps you’ve taken but also the number of floors you’ve climbed in a day.

Dietary Changes

First and foremost, you’ll need to reevaluate your diet. You might need to introduce intermittent fasting, which can help reduce belly fat.

It’s essential to assess the caloric content of your diet and find a balance between the calories consumed and the calories expended. Simply reducing the calorie intake without considering physical activity can lead your body to perceive it as starvation, causing it to enter an energy-saving mode and slow down metabolism. This can result in decreased energy levels, making it challenging to perform even regular daily tasks, let alone increasing physical activity.

What Are M.I.C. Injections?

Another potential option to consider is the use of M.I.C. injections.

M.I.C. injections are administered once or twice a week in conjunction with a diet and increased physical activity. They enable patients to lose an additional 1-2 pounds per week while experiencing higher energy levels and improved cognitive performance. This sounds promising, so let’s take a closer look at this method.

M.I.C. injections have been successfully used in combination with weight loss programs for over 30 years. The nutrients in M.I.C. injections belong to a class of substances that play a crucial role in the body’s fat utilization. While these compounds are present in the food we consume, deficiencies can arise due to poor absorption or insufficient intake. These compounds enhance the role of the liver and gallbladder, preventing gallstone formation, reducing fat deposits, and accelerating fat metabolism and removal.

What Is in an M.I.C. Injection?

Methionine (M): Supports the digestive system by aiding in the removal of heavy metals from the body, breaking down fat deposits, and preventing potential fat buildup in the arteries. Methionine is also a precursor to glutathione, which is necessary for liver detoxification.

Inositol (I): Supports the transport of nutrients at the cellular level and helps maintain cellular membrane electrical potential. Additionally, inositol converts fats into other useful forms of energy and aids in the creation of healthy cell membranes, facilitating nerve impulse conduction.

Choline (C): Helps control cholesterol levels in the blood and manage weight gain by maintaining healthy cell membranes. Choline is directly linked to supporting the nervous system, memory, and is crucial for the normal structure and function of cell membranes. Choline is a precursor to betaine, which aids in liver function and acetylcholine neurotransmitter production.

Other common components in M.I.C. injections include B vitamins and L-carnitine, which provide additional benefits for weight loss and overall health.

  • Vitamin B1: Acts as a catalyst in carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Vitamin B2: Aids in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Vitamin B3: Promotes the breakdown of nutrients to release energy and may help lower cholesterol levels in patients.
  • L-carnitine can assist in weight loss and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Detoxification During Weight Loss

Detoxification is performed using natural compounds that our bodies are familiar with. It is necessary to avoid issues arising from the release of toxins from fat tissues during weight loss. If you have already incorporated M.I.C. injections into your weight loss program, you have already addressed this concern. If you are not using them, you may need to add appropriate oral supplements to your weight loss program.

Smoking and Weight Loss

Detoxification is especially important for those with a history of smoking. Although it’s not the only way to accumulate high levels of toxins in the body, it is one of the more common ways. Despite the dangers of excess weight, smoking poses an even greater problem. Therefore, smoking is not a solution to weight management; it’s better to quit smoking and address the issues that lead to weight gain.

Natural Supplements

You can use oral natural supplements to help speed up metabolism and reduce feelings of hunger. We are not talking about weight loss pills here, of course. These can be herbal supplements that help balance the hormone leptin and eliminate constant feelings of hunger. Alternatively, you can consider capsules containing components similar to those in M.I.C. injections in oral form. However, the absorption of such supplements from injections is generally more effective.

Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) is a well-studied but still relatively unknown medication that can assist some patients in losing weight. A combination of naltrexone and bupropion is used in conjunction with a low-calorie diet and proper exercise to help you lose weight and maintain it. However, LDN in very low doses has a different mechanism of action and can be beneficial for weight loss. LDN at 1.5-4.5 mg per day can: Reduce insulin levels, which can lead to weight loss.

  • Reduce insulin levels, which can lead to weight loss.
  • Increase growth hormone levels in obese patients, potentially leading to increased muscle mass and improved metabolism.
  • Normalize appetite in patients with metabolic disorders, aligning appetite with resting energy expenditure.
  • Reduce inflammation, potentially facilitating weight loss in some patients.
  • Improve sleep; sleep deficiency is associated with weight gain and inflammation, so better sleep can help improve weight loss.
  • In patients with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, increase total T3 levels and improve T4 to T3 conversion in addition to reducing inflammation and autoimmunity and, as a result, weight loss.

LDN is not suitable for everyone. Patients with the following conditions may consider LDN for weight loss:

  • Weight gain and autoimmune diseases.
  • Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Chronic pain without the use of narcotic medications.
  • Inflammatory conditions, even when the cause of inflammation is unknown.
  • Low resting energy expenditure or low metabolism.
  • Increased appetite and a mismatch between energy intake and appetite.
  • Hormonal imbalances, such as insulin and leptin resistance.

Low-dose naltrexone should be used in combination with other weight-loss therapies for maximum effectiveness. It requires a prescription, so you will need a doctor familiar with this medication who believes it can be beneficial for you. Despite being used in very low doses and having minimal side effects, LDN is still a medication that requires a prescription.

[Russian translation]
