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Bioidentical hormone therapy for hormonal problems

[Russian translation]

Hormones are substances produced by our bodies in small quantities. They serve to regulate physiological processes. In early life, the production of hormones is significantly lower, and during the period of sexual maturity, their levels gradually increase, then reach their maximum, and after some time, hormone production begins to decline. Simultaneously, the quality of life in various areas starts to decline, even in the absence of hormonal imbalance-related diseases.

The use of bio-identical hormones allows slowing down the aging process, getting rid of a range of diseases associated with inadequate hormone production, and helps combat infertility, symptoms of menopause, and much more.

What Is the Difference Between Bio-Identical Hormones and Replacement Hormone Therapy?

People often hear about replacement hormone therapy more frequently than bio-identical hormones. So, what is the difference between these therapies?

Bio-identical hormones are hormones that exactly replicate the formula of the hormones produced by our bodies.

The hormones used in replacement hormone therapy are not bio-identical. They are similar to our native hormones, and they can act on the same receptors, but the duration of their action is different, often much longer. This opens up opportunities for side effects.

Currently, replacement hormone therapy is rarely used. Research shows more problems than positive changes when using this therapy.

What Do Vitamins and Bio-Identical Hormones Have in Common?

Both vitamins and bio-identical hormones completely correspond to the substances produced by our bodies under normal conditions. I can say right away that it would be more correct to call vitamin D a hormone, but historically it was named a vitamin.

Why are so many articles written about the unconfirmed safety of bio-identical hormones and vitamins? Because substances produced by our bodies under normal conditions cannot be patented. And if that’s the case, anyone can manufacture them, and it is impossible to make a big profit from it. Why spend money on research when anyone can use the results?

This is precisely why pharmaceutical companies have been trying for years to blur the line between bio-identical hormones and hormones produced by pharmaceutical companies. You can still find many materials on their unproven safety. But these are our native hormones in the form in which our bodies produce them. The question of safety, of course, can and should be raised, but only in terms of dosage.

Is Natural the Same as Bio-Identical?

Of course not. Bio-identical hormones can be synthetic, but they must fully replicate the formula of your native hormones.

Natural hormones can be non-bio-identical but structurally similar. They will act differently in your body.

What Can Be Considered Hormones That Are Structurally Similar to Natural Ones but Not Identical?

Certainly, pharmaceutical companies can make bio-identical hormones; they can create any formula. But they can only patent the manufacturing process, not the formula itself. Therefore, they usually produce products that are structurally similar but not identical. These products are patented. This includes the hormones used in replacement hormone therapy and hormonal contraceptives.

Pharmaceutical giants produce bio-identical hormones when there is no other way. But for some reason, they confuse people by calling their formulas progesterone, for example, when they are actually only similar to progesterone but not identical. The same happens with estrogen. Just remember that what your body produces is called bio-identical hormones, and you will never be confused.

What Do Studies Say About Bio-Identical Hormones?

When researchers compare pharmaceutical hormones to bio-identical hormones, they often find lower risks in terms of blood clot formation, cancer development, and negative effects on blood lipids. Menopause symptoms can also be very well controlled.

Replacement hormone therapy is currently not widely used for menopause because the risk of hormone-dependent cancer increases with its use. However, this therapy has nothing to do with bio-identical hormones. It is an outdated method that has been in use since the 1960s and has not been recommended for general use for over 20 years.

My Personal Experience with Bio-Identical Hormones

I became acquainted with bio-identical hormones nearly 20 years ago, and since then, I have continued to use them successfully. Over these years, I made several attempts to stop the therapy. When you feel good, it seems that it happens naturally, and bio-identical hormones are not involved. However, I immediately encountered the return of old problems of various kinds and returned to therapy. It was effortless and did not burden me: I counted 11 days from the start of my period and began applying the cream in the required dosage. On the day when my next period began, I stopped using the cream.

I am confident that I reduced my risks of a range of hormonal problems by detecting a progesterone deficiency in my 30s and addressing it with bio-identical hormones. Otherwise, relative estrogen dominance would have led to all the risks of hormonal therapy listed above. However, these same risks exist with hormone deficiency.

Gradually, I understood that if my body doesn’t produce enough hormones, it’s better to provide them rather than try to make myself live without hormones and deal with a whole list of diseases. After all, no one tries to leave type 1 diabetes patients without insulin, and people with low thyroid hormone levels are not encouraged to live without thyroid hormone. And these are also bio-identical hormones. At the same time, many people live with insufficient production of progesterone and estrogen!

What Problems Can Be Solved with Hormone Level Correction Using Bio-Identical Hormones

The number of problems that can be addressed through bio-identical hormone therapy is truly impressive. Here is a list of problems that can arise from hormonal imbalances:

  • Fibrocystic breasts, breast tenderness
  • Weight gain, fluid retention
  • Decreased muscle mass/increased fat tissue
  • Heavy/irregular menstruation, infertility
  • Hot flashes, night sweats
  • Dryness: skin, hair, vaginal
  • Thinning skin, brittle nails, hair loss
  • Anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings
  • Memory problems, foggy thinking
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Sleep disturbances/insomnia, difficulty falling asleep/awakening
  • Muscle and joint pain, cramps
  • Frequent urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence
  • Fatigue
  • Acne
  • Excessive hair growth, such as on the face
  • Constipation
  • Hoarseness
  • Hearing loss
  • Numbness in hands or feet
  • Lower body temperature
  • Allergies
  • Erectile dysfunction, decreased libido
  • Abnormal cholesterol levels
  • Insulin resistance
  • Osteoporosis/bone loss

As you can understand, by adjusting hormone levels, you can completely or partially address existing problems. If a problem is significantly advanced and there have already been significant structural changes, it may not be possible to fully reverse it. However, at the very least, it is possible to halt the pathological process.

Bio-Identical Hormones and Aging

Hormone levels reach their peak at around age 25. After this, you have only 15 years of a carefree and happy life, assuming hormones are produced in the right amounts. However, this does not happen for everyone. After the age of 40, hormone production decreases in everyone, and it continues to decrease year by year. This naturally affects well-being, appearance, memory, cognitive abilities, and other aspects of our lives.

Experts say that the aging process cannot be completely halted with bio-identical hormones, but it can be slowed down. This means that you will look better, have fewer memory problems, temporarily delay the onset of a range of diseases, and enjoy a full life for a longer time. I won’t even mention people like me, whose hormones were not produced in sufficient quantities from an even earlier age.

The aging process causes all people, regardless of gender, to experience various and unique symptoms as their hormone levels change over time. Perimenopause (the transition from reproductive age to menopause) and menopause usually occurs gradually and lasts from 7 to 14 years. What can lead to early menopause? Even if the ovaries are not removed, their function may still decrease because removing the fallopian tubes can disrupt their blood supply. If the ovaries are also removed, menopause symptoms can be much more severe.

Men also experience hormonal changes as they age. This is called andropause, which can cause some of the same general symptoms as women, such as foggy thinking, decreased libido, decreased muscle mass, and so on. Testosterone levels in men also gradually decrease, so that by the time a man reaches 50, he usually has only half the hormone levels he produced in his 20s.

Safety of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

Can therapy using hormones identical to those produced by our bodies be dangerous? Of course, it can be. Hormones carry certain risks, even if they are your own hormones: breast cancer, prostate cancer, stroke, blood clot formation, heart disease, and dementia.

However, the absence of necessary hormones also carries risks, and this is equally well known. Although people usually think more about diseases, they sometimes forget that the root cause of problems is hormonal imbalance.

Of course, an incorrect hormone level can be dangerous, whether it’s too low or too high. That’s why it’s so important to do tests at the beginning of therapy and then every 3-6-12 months and then annually to monitor hormone levels. Patients must understand how and which hormones to use, know the correct dosage, and understand the importance of regular testing and contact with a specialist. It is important to take breaks in therapy so that the receptors can “rest,” which will prevent the risk of therapy ceasing to work. In other words, you should get as close as possible to a natural cycle.

Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment

The right way to address hormonal imbalance is through a comprehensive, personalized, and regularly monitored program that includes bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Of course, not only hormones are used, but also diet, lifestyle, sleep, and stress level management, as all of these factors can also affect hormones. Therefore, it is important to check for all possible issues. Bio-identical hormones can not only alleviate symptoms but also help prevent and/or better control chronic diseases or conditions.

The program should include:

  • Laboratory tests
  • Professional specialist consultation
  • Comprehensive health assessment
  • Education on proper nutrition and lifestyle
  • Use of special supplements as needed
  • Bio-identical hormones are prescribed according to individual needs.

[Russian translation]

Moskowitz D. A comprehensive review of the safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormones for the management of menopause and related health risks. Altern Med Rev. 2006 Sep;11(3):208-23. 
