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Glutathione: Your Ultimate Body’s Defense Against Infections and Toxins

Glutathione is an important antioxidant that performs several vital functions in the body. It protects cells from oxidative stress, helps detoxify harmful substances, and supports the immune system.

Maintaining a normal level of glutathione is crucial for overall health and organ function. In some cases, additional support for glutathione may be necessary through diet or specialized supplements. In certain situations, introducing additional glutathione into the body can help address many health issues.

What determines the level of glutathione in the body?

The levels of glutathione in the body can be reduced due to several reasons. The production of glutathione by the body depends on several factors, including:

  • Genetic factors: Genetic background may play a role in an individual’s ability to synthesize and metabolize glutathione. Certain genes related to glutathione can influence its production and function. Research shows that individuals genetically predisposed to lower glutathione production are more susceptible to environmentally related health issues.
  • Nutrition: Sufficient intake of nutrients necessary for glutathione synthesis can support its effective production. These substances are called precursors.
  • Overall health: The overall health of the body can impact its ability to produce glutathione. Various diseases, inflammatory processes, or stress can affect the level of glutathione. The absorption of nutrients by the gut also influences the ability to produce glutathione.
  • Environment: Environmental factors such as air pollution, toxins, stress, and radiation exposure can influence the level of glutathione in the body. The body may increase glutathione production in response to increased oxidative stress, but its capacity is limited by various factors.
  • Medications and supplements: Certain medications and supplemental substances can affect the level of glutathione in the body. For example, some antioxidants and supplements containing glycine, cysteine, and other precursors may help maintain glutathione levels.

It is important to note that glutathione production is a complex system, and its level in the body depends on multiple interacting factors. It can be influenced by various factors, and each individual may have their own individual capacity to produce glutathione depending on the combination of these factors.

How can you increase your glutathione levels?

Glutathione is available in oral supplements. Our body can absorb only about 15-30% of the glutathione content when taken orally. There is a more bioavailable oral form called liposomal glutathione, but its absorption depends on the body’s ability to absorb this form and the quality of the supplement. It is difficult to determine how much better this form is absorbed by the body, but it is estimated to be around +/- 50% of the glutathione content.

Glutathione can also enter the body through a neutralizer. This method can achieve higher blood concentration levels. Additionally, this allows glutathione to directly reach the brain, bypassing the blood-brain barrier. However, again, the effectiveness depends on the quality of the product and individual characteristics.

When administered intravenously, the body is capable of absorbing 100% of the glutathione content. IV glutathione therapy significantly increases the level of glutathione in the body. It is not possible to achieve such high concentrations of glutathione orally. The condition of the digestive system does not matter in this case as glutathione is directly introduced into the bloodstream.

However, the issue of crossing the blood-brain barrier remains, as the glutathione molecule is relatively large. But when a high level of blood saturation with glutathione is achieved, it can still reach the brain. This is why it is necessary to attain a high level of blood saturation with glutathione.

Under what conditions can high-dose glutathione therapy be useful?

Detoxification of harmful substances from the body

Glutathione is an important component of the body’s natural detoxification system. The body performs the heavy task of filtering and eliminating toxins, free radicals, and other harmful substances that we are exposed to daily. The liver produces glutathione and breaks down toxic chemicals into less dangerous forms, which are then sent to the kidneys for elimination from the body. The body naturally produces glutathione, but there may be insufficient levels of this substance.

Heavy metal poisoning

Glutathione has the ability to bind and eliminate toxic metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, and can be used in the treatment of poisoning. Sometimes, the amount of glutathione alone is not sufficient to remove toxins, in which case the use of glutathione may be combined with chelation therapy.

Diseases related to oxidative stress

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. Therefore, intravenous glutathione can be beneficial in various diseases associated with increased oxidative stress.

Heart disease: Glutathione can improve heart health due to its antioxidant properties, reduction of inflammation, and regulation of blood pressure. All heart diseases start with the accumulation of plaques inside the artery walls. Oxidation of lipids and damage to the endothelial lining of blood vessels can lead to decreased vessel permeability, which can result in a heart attack. Glutathione can also help protect the endothelium (inner layer of blood vessels) from damage and prevent plaque formation. Additionally, glutathione may contribute to the breakdown of existing plaques by reducing inflammatory processes in the vessel wall.

Peripheral artery disease: This condition occurs when peripheral arteries become blocked with plaques. Intravenous glutathione therapy can help improve blood circulation and increase mobility in people with peripheral artery disease.

High blood sugar levels: Low glutathione levels may be associated with long-term high blood sugar levels. High doses of intravenous glutathione can increase glutathione levels and reduce oxidative stress and damage in individuals with uncontrolled diabetes.

DNA repair: Glutathione helps eliminate free radicals and aids in DNA repair.

Infertility: Oxidative stress can negatively impact reproductive health, including fertility.

Cancer: Oxidative stress can contribute to the development of cancer by damaging DNA and basic cellular mechanisms through free radicals. This is just one of the reasons why high doses of glutathione have a positive impact on patients after radiation therapy and chemotherapy, among other treatments.

Liver diseases

Glutathione plays an important role in liver function and detoxification. Intravenous administration of glutathione can help improve liver function in conditions such as liver cirrhosis or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Kidney diseases

Intravenous glutathione can be helpful in kidney diseases as it possesses antioxidant properties, protects kidney cells from damage, has anti-inflammatory effects, and aids in the detoxification process.

Respiratory system diseases

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Intravenous glutathione can help improve lung function and reduce inflammation in patients with COPD.
Bronchial asthma: Glutathione has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce airway inflammation in patients with asthma.

Skin and hair conditions

Psoriasis: There is some evidence of the positive impact of intravenous glutathione on psoriasis symptoms and improvement of skin condition.
Skin appearance: Glutathione can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improve the overall appearance of your skin. It can also have a skin-lightening effect. While skincare products affect the surface of the skin, glutathione works on the skin from the inside.
Hair appearance: Free radicals and toxins can impact the appearance of your hair, making it dull and unhealthy. Glutathione helps eliminate free radicals and toxins from your body, which can improve the appearance and health of your hair.

Autoimmune diseases

Glutathione can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress associated with some autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and scleroderma.

Immune system function

Glutathione naturally strengthens the immune system to fight diseases, including viral, microbial, and parasitic infections. It reduces oxidative stress and protects you from infections.

Neurological disorders

Intravenous glutathione can have a protective effect on the nervous system and be beneficial in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism. It can also improve memory, which tends to decline with age.

Increased physical exertion

Some individuals may require additional glutathione supplementation due to an increased need for antioxidants. This may include athletes or people undergoing intense physical exertion.

Improvement of sleep

Glutathione can have a positive impact on sleep, and there are studies supporting this fact. Theoretically, this could be related to the reduction of intoxication from various toxins, including mycotoxins (byproducts of mold), which may be decreased with high doses of glutathione.

Chronic fatigue

Glutathione can help improve energy levels and reduce fatigue in individuals with chronic fatigue or low glutathione levels.

Reduction of fat deposits

Glutathione is a highly effective antioxidant that can help reduce fat deposits while simultaneously aiding in the elimination of toxins often found within these fat deposits.

Pain reduction

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, glutathione can act as an analgesic and help reduce inflammation.

What substances are necessary for the production of glutathione in the body?

Low levels of glutathione can be increased not only through additional supplementation, but also by introducing precursors for glutathione production. Moreover, this is desirable even if you are taking high doses of glutathione. Otherwise, glutathione production by the body will temporarily cease, and if precursors are absent because the body does not receive or cannot assimilate them, it will not be able to produce glutathione. Additionally, if necessary nutrients for its replenishment are administered intravenously prior to the high-dose intravenous administration of glutathione, the body can utilize the administered glutathione not just once, but multiple times.

Certain amino acids, vitamins, and minerals are required for normal glutathione production in the body. These include:
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Selenium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium
• Betaine
• Vitamins B2, B3, B6, B9, B12
• Glycine, Cysteine, Glutamine
• Taurine – an amino acid that may aid in glutathione replenishment

It is important to note that each of these nutrients may have specific roles and mechanisms of action in the process of glutathione synthesis. They interact within the complex network of biochemical processes in the body.

Which medications suppress glutathione production?

Some medications and substances can suppress glutathione production in the body. Here are a few examples:
• Paracetamol (acetaminophen): High doses of paracetamol can deplete glutathione in the liver.
• Some anti-inflammatory drugs: Certain anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Nexstatin and sulfasalazine, may suppress glutathione production in the body. This may be related to their mechanisms of action or metabolic side effects.
Chemotherapeutic drugs: Some chemotherapy drugs used in cancer treatment can have negative effects on glutathione production. They may induce oxidative stress and suppress the activity of enzymes necessary for glutathione synthesis.
Lead-containing substances: Lead, such as lead-based paints or certain industrial pollutants, can suppress glutathione production and deplete it in the body.
Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can suppress glutathione production and lead to its deficiency in the body.

It is important to note that the effects of these medications and substances on glutathione production may vary depending on the dosage, duration of use, and individual characteristics.


Glutathione is an important antioxidant and detoxifier that plays a role in maintaining the health and functioning of the body. It participates in protecting cells from oxidative stress, improves immune system function, supports liver and brain health, and has positive effects on various aspects of health, such as sleep, heart health, skin condition, and hair health.

The use of high doses of glutathione, usually through intravenous administration, can be beneficial for various conditions and states, such as autism, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, liver diseases, and peripheral arterial diseases. It can help improve oxidative cell damage, reduce disease symptoms, expedite recovery after cancer treatment, and enhance overall health.

However, it is important to remember that the application of glutathione and its effectiveness may vary depending on specific conditions and individual characteristics. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting the use of glutathione in any form.

