Dr. Elena Matsneva, ND began researching ways to restore natural health almost 20 years ago. Coming to naturopathic medicine from the field of computer data processing, she is constantly looking for the best ways to restore health. To do this, she uses evidence-based data and her personal experience.
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine – CCNM
Degree Name: Bachelor, Doctor of Naturopathy (2020)
Edison Institute of Nutrition – EIN
Degree Name: Certificate in Applied Holistic Nutrition (2007)
Oracle8i Certified Professional Database Administrator – Oracle DBA (2003)
Donetsk State Technical University – DSTU
Degree Name: Master degree, Systems Engineer (1992)
About The Website
Since 2003, after her child was diagnosed with Autism with Developmental Delays, Elena has been exploring treatment options for this problem and has been sharing this information through her websites.
Since 2007 Elena has worked as a Certified Nutritional Consultant. She has consulted parents of children with ASD who have worked with licensed MDs on nutrition, lifestyle, diet and naturopathic supplementation.
In 2008, her child was also diagnosed with Lyme disease and co-infections, which greatly expanded Elena’s area of interest. Her first site was www.elinahealthandbeauty.com (2003). That site had the opportunity to access the articles and video lessons. They were supposed to help educate users on the basics of healthy lifestyles, provide them with information on treatment options for neurological problems in children, and information on Lyme disease and co-infections.
Even before Elena started her studies at CCNM, she constantly attended seminars and conferences for specialists (in person and online): Klinghardt Academy, AutismOne, Autism Research Institute (DAN! Conferences), LIA (Lyme Induced Autism) Foundation Conferences and many others. Elena is especially interested in the works of Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Ben Lynch, Dr. Douglas J. Phillips and Dr. Cowden.
After graduation, the range of problems of interest to Elena has expanded significantly. It currently includes a variety of health problems with a focus on chronic diseases of any nature including neurological, infectious, and environmental diseases.
About The Website
www.EcoHealthInfo.com site was created with a broader goal: not only to provide modern, evidence based information about a healthy lifestyle, but also to explain to site visitors at what stage it is better for them to contact specialists. The principles of a healthy lifestyle are largely the same, but individual concerns must also be considered to achieve optimal health. Genetic problems, of course, impose certain individual restrictions on each of us. But an individual approach allows us to minimize their impact on our health.
Elena believes that individual recommendations can only be given by a specialist with medical education after analyzing the entire spectrum of individual problems. Self-diagnosis, based on information from the Internet, is encouraged by Elena, but it must always be confirmed or refuted by a specialist.